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This function will create a pickup.



CreatePickup( model , pos )


CreatePickup( model, world, quantity, pos, alpha, isAuto )


CreatePickup( model, world, quantity, x, y, z, alpha, isAuto )



  • int model - The model of pickup.
  • Vector pos - The pos of pickup.


  • int model - The model of pickup.
  • int world - The world of pickup.
  • int quantity - The quantity of pickup.
  • Vector pos - The pos of pickup.
  • int alpha - The alpha of pickup.
  • bool isAuto - (Is auto respawn?)


  • int model - The model of pickup.
  • int world - The world of pickup.
  • int quantity - The quantity of pickup.
  • float x - The x pos of pickup.
  • float y - The y pos of pickup.
  • float z - The z pos of pickup.
  • int alpha - The alpha of pickup.
  • bool isAuto - (Is auto respawn?)

Example 1

The following example will create a pickup. which will be executed by onPickupPickedUp <source lang=squirrel> function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text ); {

if ( cmd == "pick1" )
 CreatePickup(368, Vector(player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y, player.Pos.z));

} </source>

Example 2

The following example will create a pickup. which will be executed by onPickupPickedUp but could be directly used for few Pickups such as weapons, armour and health <source lang=squirrel> function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text ); {

if ( cmd == "armourpick" )
 CreatePickup(368, player.World, 50, Vector(player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y, player.Pos.z), 255, true);

} </source>

Example 3

The following example will create a pickup without Vector. which will be executed by onPickupPickedUp but could be directly used for few Pickups such as weapons, armour and health <source lang=squirrel> function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text ); {

if ( cmd == "armourpick" )
 CreatePickup(368, player.World, 50, player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y, player.Pos.z, 255, true);

} </source>


Call onPlayerCommand were used in this example. More info about them in the corresponding pages.

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